Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Curtis Christmas Cottage (as a friend called it)

Here are a few pictures from inside the apartment. Jake & I love Christmas time!
We are so thankful for our Lord Jesus! I think about all that God has given us and its overwhelming! I believe each year I am more thankful for the birth of Jesus!
I love the different seasons, the beauty in nature and all the many different feelings you feel as each season comes and goes. However Christmas time is my favorite. There is nothing like it when you stand in a crowd singing "O Come let us Adore Him" or "Joy to the World" adoration to the King! The lights that aray each house, street, or car. lol! Its all so fun. I think the reason I really enjoy Christmas the most is because people seem more content and happy this time of year. If only the revelation of that lasting all year long through Jesus would be unveiled to all!
Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men!
- Glory is God's!
- A state of peace now exists between God and man!
- God's good will now shines upon all mankind!

No wonder all creation rejoiced at the birth of Jesus Christ. No greater news has ever been announced. Amen!

1 comment:

Melissa Terry said...

Your Christmas parade of your home is STUNNING! Your balcony and the inside look so precious. I pray you and Jake have a wonderful Christmas.

Many blessings...